Written by Michael Goldberg

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” – Patches O’Houlihan

Yes, straight from the 2004 classic movie, Dodgeball. Truer words have never been spoken. In fact, you may also recall that Patches shared the 5 Ds of dodgeball – Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.” (You’ll have to watch the movie to get the joke here.)

As important as this movie is, I was reminded of the 5 D’s in residential real estate – Diamonds, Diapers, Downsizing, Divorce, and Death. (Not Dodge.)

A real estate agent in one of my networking groups mentioned the significance of these 5 phases of life that prompt the purchase and sale of properties.

I refer to these phases of life, or any dynamic that prompts a business transaction, as a dynamic. And a dynamic is a great way to help describe your target market.

Especially if you’re a real estate agent, financial advisor, attorney, or any slew of professions that deal with the circle of life and the financial transactions they present.

I’m not sure enough sales professionals leverage these phases as an opportunity to be of greater service to clients and generate more introductions and referrals.

From a networking standpoint, real estate agents and brokers that are clear about which one or two (it’s confusing and overwhelming to focus on all 5) of these dynamics they want to focus on, it’s evident who could be logical referral sources for them.

Of course, if you’re a financial advisor, investor, or other sales producer, this way of thinking can be helpful for you too!

If you can focus on the dynamic, you can get a referral. (Or dodge a ball.)

Let’s stick with the real estate example!

Newlyweds! Or could simply be first time homebuyers.

Adding a child or two to the family. Again, could be a first-time homebuyer or upsizing.

Empty nesters or those looking to simplify. Looking for a smaller property, another property, and could be relocating.

Yours, mine, and ours. All bets may be off. But something is brewing.

Selling of a property or estate.

Now, consider other professionals that work within each of these dynamics that a real estate agent should want to meet to ultimately exchange introductions and referrals.

Imagine what happens if said real estate agent has a mechanism like a networking group, weekly referral exchange, or monthly meeting to simply exchange introductions.

“Who do you know that…?”

This “mechanism” can be created in most sales professions.

Are you leveraging the dynamics that present business opportunities for you?

What are the dynamics that you may experience with your prospects and clients that make you think about the professionals that could be in your networking circle of trust? (“Circle of trust” reference from Meet the Parents.)


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