Category Archives: Blog
Fear: The Call To Grow!!!
Written by: Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD After months of no travel, life has been a whirl wind of activity and travel these past few months. I just came back from a business trip to Costa Rica, which was wonderful and yet, OMG, an adventure to put it mildly. The organizer, Linda Fisk, of LeadHERship Global,Continue reading “Fear: The Call To Grow!!!”
Now is the Time to BE JOY
Written by Machen MacDonald Let me share my journey and the BEJOY process that transformed my holiday experience from one of stress to genuine fulfillment. As a business owner, I remember not that long ago putting on a brave face during the holidays while internally feeling overwhelmed and sometimes even a bit depressed. The weightContinue reading “Now is the Time to BE JOY”
Your Networking Foxhole
Written By Michael Goldberg Who would be in your business networking foxhole? I love the metaphor of the foxhole as if you’re fighting in battle. In a life-and-death situation, who do you want in the trenches with you to fight the fight? The best warriors, military strategists, those that have your back and would put theirContinue reading “Your Networking Foxhole”
10 Ways to NOT Make a KO Impression!
Written by Michael Goldberg As in NOT a good impression! The first line spoken by John Wick 4’s villain, the Marquis de Gramont, is “How you do anything is how you do everything.” The first and last rule of life by which he now abides. How you do anything is certainly how you do everything.Continue reading “10 Ways to NOT Make a KO Impression!”
Designing Professional Development Training Programs with the Learner in Mind
Written by Susan Fitzell How to stop wasting your professional development budget on one-size-fits-all training that doesn’t work. As increasing numbers of businesses implement programs to attract and retain neurodivergent workers, the time has come to focus on how to support the professional development of those employees. Traditional training programs are often inadequate for neurodivergent individuals,Continue reading “Designing Professional Development Training Programs with the Learner in Mind”
9 Ways to More Hustle
Written by Michael Goldberg That is, if you’re into that sort of thing! Pete Rose was! Major League Baseball’s all-time hit king died on Monday at the age of 83. Nicknamed “Charlie Hustle” for his relentless drive when on the diamond, Rose was league MVP in 1973, a 17-time All-Star, three-time batting title winner, Rookie of theContinue reading “9 Ways to More Hustle”