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Welcome to My Bookshelf: The Simple Magic of a Personal Growth Library

Written by Ellen Tyler Great to have you join me here! Let me take you on a little tour of my favorite space—the corner where my personal growth library lives. If you ever popped by my house (or have chatted with me on Zoom), you’d find me surrounded by books that have shaped who IContinue reading “Welcome to My Bookshelf: The Simple Magic of a Personal Growth Library”

The Transforming Power of No

Written by Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD When you live your life, and leadership, far out of the box as a visionary and transformative leader, you can see opportunities, and are even offered opportunities that some others would be too frightened to consider. It can be very seductive. Taking a risk at creating something or beingContinue reading “The Transforming Power of No”

Breaking Through Call Reluctance

Call reluctance is a common obstacle that hampers the productivity of sales professionals and small business owners. It’s the internal resistance to the act of picking up the phone and contacting prospects, often stemming from fear of rejection, lack of confidence, or the comfort of procrastination. Below are a sequence of 9 strategies to overcomeContinue reading “Breaking Through Call Reluctance”