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Fear: The Call To Grow!!!

December 22, 2024

Written by: Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD

After months of no travel, life has been a whirl wind of activity and travel these past few months. I just came back from a business trip to Costa Rica, which was wonderful and yet, OMG, an adventure to put it mildly. The organizer, Linda Fisk, of LeadHERship Global, an amazing woman of immense skill and compassion, organized some activities for after our workshop sessions.

One of those activities was Ziplining. This activity caused me to realize no matter what we volunteer for, we need details… The thought of ziplining filled me with terror. Not fear – terror. Being me, however, that meant I needed to confront this fear and do one zipline to prove to myself that fear would not hold me back in my life. After the life I have lived who on earth would think I needed more evidence, but none the less….

As the tractor took a group of us, each row facing the other in this trip to the top of the mountain, I kept telling myself, once never killed anyone, right???? They have pictures to prove it’s safe. I’ll be ok. As we got to the platform, tears started filling my eyes because terror was real. I couldn’t speak. The blessed woman behind me, a former Marine, told me she had my 6. My son-in-law, more like my own son really, has that tattooed on his body. Suddenly, it made me feel somewhat safe and only in extreme fear versus terror.

However, the man on the platform informed all of us, this was the first of 11 platforms. Eleven? To be honest, I said a few swear words in my mind…. What? Would we be walking to 10 platforms, why? Nope. I was to take 10 ziplines. Some called Big Mama and Big Daddy because they were so long and so fast. Some we were going to do backwards… WHAT??? It took everything in me to get up the nerve to do 1. Now I had to do what felt like an endless number????? How the heck did I get into this?

Needless to say, since I am writing this, I made it. My marine was my guiding star. At each platform she was right after me and said, “I got you.” Her compassion, understanding, and unconditional love, without judgement, got me through my terror and my fear. Her strength was my rock.

How many times have you made a decision and realized that you had no idea what your decision actually entailed? Marriage? Childbirth? A new career? A move? A new business? How many times have you had an angel show up to guide you and support you – if you let them?

No matter the extent of our preparation, at times we are called to make decisions that have numerous surprises in store. How do you deal with them? Do you feel betrayed? Do you see it as God, the universe, whatever, as calling you to grow, learn, and find strength you never knew you had? To find courage, purpose, and power beyond your comprehension?

Take those risks. Trust that fear is an excuse or a reason to go forward, or not. When fear gives us permission to stop, we lose. When it calls us to breathe and rely on others, it is calling us to become so much more than we are today. It is a blessing not a curse.

If fear is your inhibitor in going forward, in transitioning to the next step of your journey, to creating your legacy, call. I’ll be here knowing fear all too well, yet not letting it stop me for more than a breath….