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Now is the Time to BE JOY

December 16, 2024

Written by Machen MacDonald

Let me share my journey and the BEJOY process that transformed my holiday experience from one of stress to genuine fulfillment.

As a business owner, I remember not that long ago putting on a brave face during the holidays while internally feeling overwhelmed and sometimes even a bit depressed. The weight of year-end responsibilities combined with personal expectations created a perfect storm of stress. But through experience and intentional practice, I discovered a process that not only helped me survive but truly thrive during this season.

Here’s the BEJOY process that changed everything:

B – Be Present

I learned to stop living in my head, worrying about next year’s targets or past disappointments. When I’m in a meeting, I’m fully there. When I’m with family, I put the phone away. This simple shift allows me to experience the magic of each moment, especially during the holidays. It’s amazing how much clarity and peace comes from just being here, now.

E – Engage Authentically

Instead of going through the motions in relationships, I started showing up as my real self. This meant being vulnerable with my leadership team, having genuine conversations with employees, and truly connecting with family. When we stop performing and start engaging, something beautiful happens – we create space for real joy to emerge.

J – Judge What’s Working

I made it a practice to observe and celebrate what’s going right, rather than fixating on problems. When I catch team members doing something exceptional, I acknowledge it immediately. This positive focus creates a ripple effect of success and builds confidence that carries us through challenges. Trust grows when we recognize progress.

O – Open Your Heart to Gratitude

Gratitude transformed my perspective entirely. Each morning, I list 10… yes 10!, things I’m thankful for – from major business wins to simple pleasures like a quiet cup of coffee. This practice helps me see abundance where I once saw scarcity, especially during busy holiday seasons. It’s remarkable how gratitude can shift our entire emotional state.

Y – Yield to Faith

Perhaps the most powerful step was learning to trust that things will work out. Instead of trying to control everything, I learned to have faith in my team, our process, and the journey itself. This doesn’t mean passive acceptance – rather, it’s active trust combined with consistent effort. When we believe in positive outcomes, we often help create them.

Not just NOW… For all time

What makes this process special is how these elements work together to create sustained joy and success. Each step builds on the others, creating an upward spiral of positivity and achievement. I’ve seen countless other executives transform their holiday experience using these same principles.

Remember, this isn’t about denying challenges or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about choosing to approach life with hope and trust while taking practical steps to create the experience we want. The holidays can be a time of genuine joy and connection, even for those of us carrying significant responsibilities.

The beautiful thing about BEJOY is that it’s not just a seasonal fix – it’s a year-round practice that becomes more powerful over time. As you implement these steps, you’ll likely find, as I did, that success and joy aren’t opposing forces – they’re natural partners in creating a fulfilling life.

We can BE JOY all year long!

Make it up, make it fun, and get it done!

Happy Holiday Season 😊🙏🏼