Written by Ellen Tyler

Great to have you join me here! Let me take you on a little tour of my favorite space—the corner where my personal growth library lives. If you ever popped by my house (or have chatted with me on Zoom), you’d find me surrounded by books that have shaped who I am as a person (wife, mom, friend, coach).

Why Books?
Why do I keep collecting these books?  I have always loved to read, leaning towards non-fiction as a younger version of myself.  Fast forward to being mentored by the one and only Bob Proctor – every time he mentioned a book, I bought it. 😁

Imagine each book as a mini-masterclass. They’re not just lots of pages but little guides that teach, inspire, and sometimes challenge the way I think and work. Having these books is like having direct conversations with some of the greatest minds, without ever leaving my coffee table.

The Heart of My Collection
My personal growth library is more than just a collection; it’s the backbone of how I show up in the world. Each book is a mentor, and the best part – all of these mentors are available 24/7. They never go on vacation, and they’re ready to offer wisdom whenever I need it—no appointments necessary!

When Books “Talk”
It’s funny to think about, but when you have as many books as I do, they start to “talk” to each other. I’ve got books on mindset next to books on business strategies, next to sales, and it feels like they blend their ideas when I’m not looking. This mix helps me keep things fresh and relevant for everyone I work with.

Books as Brain Trainers
I like to think of each book as a workout for my brain. They help me stay sharp, and they’re a lot easier on my knees than a run! Reading these books is how I keep my mind tuned up and honed so I can offer the best guidance possible (for clients, but also for me)

Those “Aha!” Moments
Each book in my library has given me those “aha!” moments—little sparks of insight that have sometimes shifted the way I see my coaching practice and how I approach personal growth.  Here’s the odd part – sometimes I couldn’t get past the first chapter, thinking that I didn’t like the book.  Only to find out that later (when I had grown a bit) – it now made sense. 😉😉

Not Just Collecting Dust
Some might glance at my shelves and think I’m just collecting dust. But for me, each book is a building block in my understanding of how to grow and change.  They’re not just sitting there looking pretty; they’re tools I use every day.

Applying the Wisdom
The real challenge, and the fun part, is translating what’s in these books into actions. How do I take theories and insights from these pages and turn them into practical advice for my clients? That’s where the magic happens—in using this knowledge to help others dream big and achieve bigger.

Starting Your Own Library
Want to start your own personal growth library? Pick up a book that addresses a topic you’re curious about. Read it, think about it, and then maybe get another. It doesn’t need to be huge—a few well-chosen books can offer just as much wisdom as my larger collection.

A Library of Possibilities
Each book you add to your collection opens possibilities—new ways of thinking, new strategies for living, and new paths to personal and professional fulfillment. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or just starting out, each page you turn helps you grow a little more.

So, I encourage you to explore, learn, and apply. And remember, in the journey of personal growth, knowledge is all around us, just waiting to be discovered.

Feel free to reach out if you want recommendations on where to start or if you need guidance on applying these concepts in your life. Let’s keep growing together!

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