Your Networking Foxhole
Written By Michael Goldberg
Who would be in your business networking foxhole?
I love the metaphor of the foxhole as if you’re fighting in battle. In a life-and-death situation, who do you want in the trenches with you to fight the fight?
The best warriors, military strategists, those that have your back and would put their lives on the line for you. And you for them. Can you name the 3, 4, or 5 warriors that would be in your foxhole?
Let’s take it to business.
When you’re fighting to grow your business, what 3, 4, or 5 warriors would you want to be on the front lines with you?
Who are your best strategists? Referrals sources? Centers of influence? Mentors? Clients? Customers? Patients? Members? Followers? Advocates? Fans? Friends?
In fact, who are the top people in your network that can be the most impactful in helping you generate more prospects, more referrals, more business?
Can you be helpful to them too? Remember, you have each other’s back.
I wonder what would happen if you asked these warriors if they would be willing to go to battle in regularly scheduled online meetings. (Yeah, I said it.)
The frequency of these meetings would have to be often enough to create momentum and build rapport. Short enough time-wise so they’re efficient. Focused enough for them to be valuable. Organized enough to be relevant. And balanced enough for everyone to leave each meeting with a win.
The focus of the meetings, say around 45 minutes to one hour (no more), could be a discussion about what each participant is working on, how the group can help, and a specific ask – say an introduction.
Simple as that!
No cost. No fuss. No muss. Just another meeting, just very targeted and qualified. Maybe the foxhole meetings are a virtual Friday happy hour once or twice a month?
There needs to be a high level of commitment, otherwise the foxhole meetings won’t work. If there is enough value and you have the right warriors, the commitment will be there.
By organizing such a group and taking the lead, you would be viewed as the leader forever. Not a bad role to have if you’re into that sort of thing.
Who would be in your networking foxhole? What is your next step?
Comment below!